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 This web site proposes there are three main options for the location of the ‘original’ Chewton Mendip.
 Option A. Chew Head
 It is probable that the hunter gathers would have taken advantage of the shelter and consistent supply of water provided by the source of the river chew in the part of the village called Chew Hill/Dumpers lane. There may have been caves or some other reason that made the temporary camps permanent. Water has significance for most religions and the burial mounds in the area are the oldest structures in the village. This is  part of the reason why this part of the village could have been the site of the original rectory.
 Option B. Church
There is little doubt that there were Saxon buildings of significance in the vicinity of the church.  The physical distance from the source of the River Chew and the church is only a fw hundred metres but the symbolic and practical difference is more significant.  The church is now on the edge of the village but the High Street is a relatively modern road. The site of the Old Vicarage is a more convenient location for a parish priest than the other options. There are more pragmatic reasons for establishing a permanent settlement on this site. It is close to arable land and is in a relatively good defensive position.
 Option C. Bathway.
 This is the least likely and all of the evidence shows that Bathway was a group of houses that grew up around a cross roads that was close to the village of Chewton Mendip but far enough away to accommodate curates or honoured guests of the ecclesiastical organisation that controlled Chewton Mendip village. There may  even have been a Priory there and there is strong evidence for  Prory farm although Mr Jenkins house may be the source of some myths.
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