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George family

An farm called Georges was  refrerred to frequently in the 18th century churchwarden and poor law  records but no members of  family have been provben to be resident in Chewton Mendip. It is a relatively common family name and the estate may have been based on the first name of the tenant and share a simalr root as Griggs Pit.
One possible source of the name is through the Jenkins family who owned Chewon Priory and other land in Chewon Mendip but were record of Croscombe and Dinder as well as prebends of Wells Cathedral. Thomas George is buried in Croscombe and is commemorated on a plaque on the wall of the chancel of Croscombe church. Elizabeth Jenkins is also commemorated suggesting she was his daughter and married into the Jenkins family. Thomas cannot be the source of the name of the estate because a Mrs Mogg was responsible for the estate in 1704.
The Hampshire Archive includes a record dated 1662/3 when Bridget Kingsmill put property including Chewton Mendip into a trust to generate annuities for her children. A Dame Bridgest Gorges, was idenetified as her daughter so ‘Georges’ could be a corruption of ‘Gorges’. This name could be the souce of ‘The Gore’ and it is easy to confuse the two names in the handwritten documents.
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