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Golledge Farm

Both the churchwarden and poor law book make reference to an farm called Golledge which was next to Barrow Farm. There  1740 and 1794 maps so a building on the Southern side of Chewdown which may have been the sit of Golldge Farm and the site can still be seen today but it is not a large site. However, the creation of the Turnpike Road in 1753 may have destroyed some of the farm. Golledge as a family name is considered to originate in Somerset and there are other places nearby called Golledge.
The Goll element of the name may be derived from Goliath, the Biblical giant, and the Anglo Saxon of ‘ecg’ or edge of a hill which describes its location perfectly so what is now called Chewton Hill may have been known as the Giant’s Hill. The site has natural defensive qualities although no defensive ditches or banks can be seen. It is South-facing to make it a pleasant place to live and is defended by a naturally steep slope on the South.
The ‘Giant’s Hill’ interpretation supports the theory that King’s Hill gets its name from the burial mound on the brow of the hill next to the main road. An alternative theory is that Golldge is somehow linked to marshy land which also has evidence to support it. The name of the road from Golledge Farm to Farrington Gourney was sometimes called Marshway because it led to Hollow Marsh.
 Golledge was probably held  the Moggs who were  as paying rates in East End during the 18th century but they may have lived in Lower East End or Rowdens Farm which were in the East End tithing.
The websitsite below provids mor information about th name Golledge.
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